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Your company in the cloud, with security, consulting and technical support
of quality and international level, maximum reliability
and the best response time in the face of any contingency

WorldClass service

The best technology, speed, TIER3 capacity, guarantee of 99.98% online time, services and managed servers, of international quality

Your business always online!

Backups with multiple snapshots

3 real-time replicas, in 2 different destinations, a single source of truth
out-of-the-box transparently

We ensure that you never lose your information

Cyber ​​security

Additional services of audits, pentesting and more to reinforce the security of your server, prevention is the best way

For your peace of mind and prevention

mission critical services

Together with the accompaniment of two decades of experience

There are no limits.
server server server
vmware HPE Seagate crowdstrike cpanel plesk
Internet Society Certificate

We are members of the Internet Society since 2005 in Argentina

Internet Society Logo

We contribute to special interest groups dealing with
InterPlanetaryNetworking, Internet of Things, Internet of Food, Cybersecurity, Community Networks, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence.

All our services are managed Our experts work for and for you
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Immediate and expert customer service There is no
as a reply
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All our services have military grade security, counting on the maximum protection of the international market

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